Leadership Institute for First Line & New Supervisors

Length of Seminar: 4.5 Days

Course Overview:
Leadership is influence, a power each of us has. As you become a leader, you must not only recognize potential in others, but, also, within you. Accepting a new leadership position can be the most demanding and overwhelming, if you don’t receive adequate training. It is Mike’s hope to share some innovative ideas to help in day-to-day operations, from the supervisors’ role in a vehicle pursuit to making critical decisions at the crime scene. In the spirit of community policing, it is important that we decipher the mission and vision of the organization, and the real time impact it has on future leadership.

Digital Destiny: The TV show “CSI” has given the public a false sense of what we really can do with criminal activity. However, there are some innovative digital ideas that have taken crime solving to a new level. During this time allotted, we will talk about leading-edge digital ideas that can move your agency forward.

Innovative Ideas About Leadership: During the time allotted, we will discuss points to emphasize the role of leadership and innovative theories of understanding people. One day, you’re one of the guys; the next, you’re promoted. This is a tough adjustment to make. We will spend some time understanding what is needed to make this critical transition.

Confronting The Problem Employee: Regardless of the size of the organization, there will always be people who are hard to deal with or motivate. During this session, we will uncover some productive strategies in confronting this person without transferring them.

Organizational Stress: How are you dealing with stress? We have to bring the fun to work, and, during this period, we will discuss this strategy. People don’t leave bad organizations; they leave bad leaders. Let’s keep the stress down.

Accountable Leadership: Every supervisor in the organization has a responsibility to make sound decisions that benefit the citizens and the organization. During this period, we will discuss the COMPSTAT model and how it relates to accountability. In addition, we will discuss what it takes to be an effective, critical decision maker, and to take responsibility for those decisions.

Real Time Leadership: In today’s world, the need to have things instantaneous has caused a shift in leadership as it relates to business. Critical issues involving day-to-day operations will cause leaders to speed up the learning curve in order to tackle these tough issues. During this period, we will discuss maintaining a positive work environment in which the truth can be told; the core competencies of a leader; work assignments; and rotating personnel and transfers.

The Value of Performance Evaluations: Many of us are told that we have to write a performance evaluation on our employees, but have never been trained how to do so. It is our hope to show police organizations that performance evaluation will not work unless there is an organizational commitment. Each employee should know his or her performance is being measured.

Strengths-Based Performance: Too often we capture an employee’s weakness, and then, ask him or her to work harder in these areas. Studies have proven that an employee’s real success relies on identifying his or her strength. During the time allotted, we will reveal supporting evidence for looking at an employee’s strength to increase performance.

Performance Expectations: During this period, we will discuss the need to clarify expectations and how to assist the employee in goal setting. If the employee does not understand the evaluation criteria, then it will be difficult to measure or evaluate his or her success and areas of improvement. Additionally, it is our hope to demonstrate the value of an evaluation that mirrors the agency mission and vision for the organization.

Making Your Rating Defensible: Like most work product in written form, it could be subjected to legal scrutiny. We must make our ratings defensible if they are challenged. During this period, we will reveal the importance of documentation.

Performance Review: Invariably the question will arise: When do I have time to complete my employees’ evaluations? During this period, we will show why we cannot afford not to complete a thorough assessment of all our employees.

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